Which Type of Car Key Is Used In Your Car? Ask Emergency Locksmith Brisbane

                                     [Image Attribute & Image Name: Car Locksmiths Brisbane]

Lost your car key? Got to go somewhere real quick or forgot something important in the car? Well, the worst thing you can do in a situation like this is to stress about it. Stay calm and think about what the best and quick way is to resolve the problem. Call a cab if you have an important meeting or appointment that you don’t want to miss. Alternatively, if you have a spare car key at home, see if you can get your spouse or someone else to bring the spare car key to you.

However, the trouble begins when you don’t have an extra key, or you are far away from your place. In such an instance, you should look for a Professional Automotive Locksmith Brisbane right away. Knowing which type of key is used in your car will help speed up this process.

 Types of Car keys

Following are some of the types of car keys used in different models of cars. Know which one is yours.

Transponder Key

This type of key is used in relatively newer car models. There was an increased use of transponder keys in the 90’s. They are usually coupled with a keyless remote. This type of key takes the car security to a whole new level because they are paired optimally with the devices, and together with the keyless remote, they make it near impossible for someone to break into your car. However, it can be a challenge for you in the event that you lose your car key because you are going to need a technically sound Automotive Locksmith.

Keyless entry remote

They are used in the newest models especially after the 2005. They are used by almost every car company. Keyless entry remotes are also commonly known as key fobs. In the past few years, car companies have started relying on keyless remotes rather than transponder keys. These keys are constantly communicating with your vehicle making it more accessible to you. However, it can be a pain getting them replaced as:

  1. a) they aren’t as cheap as the traditional ones
  2. b) Not all locksmiths are able to make new ones.

To have a key fob replaced, you need to hire a Professional Car Locksmith in Brisbane with proven experience in dealing with keyless entry remote systems.

Traditional keys

These keys were commonly used before the 90’s. You can still find them in the older models. They are the easiest ones when it comes to replication and every locksmith knows about them. This is because traditional keys aren’t connected with any internal electronic systems, they are just mere keys, making it easier for locksmiths to replace them.

If you require a Car Locksmith in Brisbane, simply give Emergency Locksmith Brisbane a call at 0404 532 049.

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